Monday, January 12, 2009

Not Me Monday!!!

Ahhh.. Not me Monday. If you have not checked out MckMamma's blog go do so now by clicking the button above.

MckMamma has all of the rules posted on her blog. Please follow them. Now for the good stuff. I did not walk across the infant room this week, slip on a toy and do the splits in front of the closed circuit camera. At 37 that was tooo much fun. My hip did not hurt for 2 days due to my attempt at gymnastics. Watch out Nadia Komenic here I come. I never walked around my house looking for my shoes only to have my husband find them within inches of where I had been sitting when I inquired about said shoes. I did not get hysterical on Co**try Wi** Home Loans only to have the customer service rep get scared and offer to call me back. In my defense they dropped the ball on our home loan and we are going to have to fight with every ounce of fight we have and may have to get an attorney. That is all I have for this week. This week should be interesting we have a new baby starting in our room and he happens to be the owner's grandson. No pressure there.

Have a great week.


Wayne said...

I thaught it was so funny about you doing the splits infront of the camera like that, Great not me monday