Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bloggy Changes

I am going to take this blog from what it currently is in a new direction. In reading other folks blogs I feel the urge to help others by starting a way for them to come here to get prayer requests out. Do you know someone who needs prayer? Do you know of someone that has a blog button that can be added to this site requesting prayer? If so, please follow the steps below:

1. Have the blog owner come here and notify me via comments or e-mail.(note I must have them request for HIPPA)

2. If you can not send them here let me know the site and I will make and attempt contact them.

I can also put the link to websites in the blog so if they do not have a button or do not want one we can still get their prayer request out.( the owner must contact me)

If there is anyone out there willing to make blog buttons for prayer for people please contact me. This will need to be a donated service. I want to do good with this blog in the future and change it's focus with occasional updates on our family.